The Obsidian Collection Read online

Page 28

  “That’s the one issue David and I quarreled about. Getting you professional help. He thought his tough love and Elena’s nurturing were all you needed.”

  “That sounds like my dad.”

  “I’d be honored if you’d give me that title now.”


  Isaiah, being the touchy feely guy he was, pulled Trevor into a bear hug. Just when it felt like it might become a little awkward, he looked over his father-in-law’s shoulder to see Shanice.

  “Group hug!” She squealed and ran over to enfold herself in their arms.

  When they released each other, the pastor said, “I think I’ll go join my wife in a nap before dinner.” Then he sauntered out of the room.

  Trevor took Shanice’s hand and guided her over to the sofa. “Come sit down, it’s been a rough day for all of us.

  “I keep seeing that guy’s head exploding.” She shivered, and he pulled her closer to his side.

  “I’m so sorry you had to witness all that,” he said.

  “I should’ve just told my dad to chill, but he was so ticked. He wanted to talk to you immediately. I figured we’d find you guys just cleaning up, and you’d be done with everything. I had no idea we were walking into the middle of it. I should be apologizing to you. We could’ve ruined everything…”

  “But you didn’t, and now it’s all over.”

  “Good. So, you want to get my parents their own room tonight after dinner?”

  “I don’t know. I think I need to catch up with Isaiah and Brenda a little more, before we go back to Florida.”

  Shanice looked at him as if he’d grown two heads. “We’re still on our honeymoon…”

  He laughed. “Just kidding. We’ll get them a room.”

  “When did your sense of humor get so twisted?”

  “When you live with a sick bastard like Philip Kyle, then spend seven years in a federal prison, you need a sense of humor.”

  She frowned. “We’ll both need therapy when we go back to Florida.”

  “Now there’s something else we can do together.”

  “That’s all good, but I can think of many things that are a lot more fun,” she said with a sexy smirk.

  “Such as?”

  Shanice kissed him, putting everything she had into it. When they parted, Trevor reached onto the side table and picked up the phone. “Hello? I’d like to book another room, please.”

  Brandt Whittaker leaned against the balustrade and gazed down at the people milling around the foyer of his resort, their chatter and laughter reaching him on the mezzanine floor. Satisfaction filled him. It had been a long, arduous journey but he’d proven those people, who pulled their financial support from building the resort, wrong. Now he had the overflowing bank account, the constantly booked resort, the beautiful penthouse and house. He was living the dream others only thought of and wished for.

  But he was bored. He needed a new challenge, something to make getting up in the morning worthwhile. What that new challenge would end up being, he was still working out. Maybe it was time to pull out the other plans he’d had for the island. The plans that had almost ruined him. His plans were solid and there was nothing wrong with them at all. The people he had been in partnership with had decided to ruin him and his reputation. Never again would he give his heart to a woman who was related to a person he was doing business with. The worst thing about that sorry situation was he’d imagined a future with Tonia. He was never going to make that mistake again.

  He disregarded the thoughts of a past long over. If anything, he should thank Tonia. If it wasn’t for her actions, he’d have to share his success with people who didn’t deserve it.

  His phone beeped signalling an incoming text message, pulling the device from his pocket; he entered the passcode and loaded up the message.

  Hey Brandt, thanks for the flowers for Jill’s birthday. She loved them. Patrick had another surgery the other week but has bounced back well. Hopefully, we’ll be able to visit you soon.


  Brandt stared at the message a little longer. He didn’t know how his friend had coped with the tragedy that had befallen his family the last couple of years. Another thought hit him then: maybe expanding the resort wasn’t what he needed to do. Perhaps the time had come to further investigate the idea he’d had when he’d been sitting in a cold plastic chair at a hospital, watching his friend almost lose his son.

  He went to move away from the railing, when he spied a woman standing alone in the middle of the foyer. Not a completely unusual sight, but one he didn’t normally see at the resort. Most visitors were couples.

  Was she waiting for someone?

  He watched her for a few moments, taking in her body language, the way her fingers twisted the strap of her tote bag. Her nervous actions radiated out toward him, like a sunbeams shining through clouds. It called to him in the most basic of ways. He wanted to answer her. As she fidgeted from one foot to the other, he had his answer—there was no way someone that uncomfortable was meeting a friend or lover.

  No, she had no idea what she wanted to do. He may have closed his heart off from emotions, but her visible uncertainty had the long buried gentleman in him creeping to the surface. He wouldn’t let her stand there by herself a moment longer. He planned to help her make a decision.

  It looked like he’d found something he had been looking for to chase his boredom away and bring some fun back into his life, even if only for a day or two.

  Erika Roberts stood in the foyer contemplating whether to head for the beach or one of the pools. The brochure indicated there were two pools at the resort, each with a floating bar. Being able to swim up to a bar and have a cocktail won out over going to the beach and getting sand in places where it didn’t belong. Besides, she had two weeks to check out the beaches.

  Each option would probably highlight the fact she was a woman at a luxurious resort on the beautiful island of Trinidad—all alone.

  Why the hell am I here? I should just get on a plane and head back to Boston.

  Being surrounded by couples wasn’t the best way to spend a vacation. It had never been her plan to come here alone, but her loser of a boyfriend decided the grass was greener on the other side after five years of being together. She hoped he found it brown and dead. But the trip was non-refundable and there was no way she was going to waste her money by not coming. Of course, loser Rod hadn’t forked out any cash for it.

  No. Stop.

  She wasn’t going to waste another moment on the jerk. Her life was far better off without him in it. The fact she hadn’t really shed more than a cursory tear over him leaving, told her she hadn’t been invested in the relationship for a while. This vacation had been a last effort to bring the spark back to their relationship, jerk it out of the rut they’d found themselves in, so much for that idea.

  God, why was she wasting her energy thinking about her ex?

  Why should it worry her if there were couples only at the resort? Maybe she would get lucky and there was a single guy vacationing as well. They could hook up and have a holiday fling. That would be exactly what she needed to get herself back into the dating scene. Perhaps even someone who worked at the resort. Surely there had to be some single people working at the bar or restaurant. It would be highly unlikely that all the staff were married or in a relationship.

  “Are you lost? Maybe I can help you find your way?”

  A smooth, slightly accented voice sounded behind her. Erika turned, expecting to see a resort employee but locked eyes with the devil himself. With jet-black hair, broad shoulders, bright green eyes and standing at least six-foot-five, he was sex personified. Calling him the devil was the only way she could even remotely describe the man who stood in front of her, tempting her to take a walk on the wild side with him. In the casual pants and open necked shirt, she pegged him as a guest.

  Boy, I hope he’s a guest.

  “Are you okay?” he asked when she failed to make any sort of
response to his question.

  Heat suffused her cheeks; she wanted to turn the clock back and act sophisticated instead of standing there mute.

  “Yes, ahh no, I mean yes.”

  “Hmm interesting. Do you mean, no you’re not okay and yes you are lost? Or yes I’m okay and no I’m not lost?”

  His eyes were shooting devilish sparks out towards her and she wanted to grab each spark and absorb the heat from them inside of her. She took a deep breath and watched as his eyes were drawn to the rise of breasts. Her nipples puckered under his gaze.

  “Let me try again.” Laughter laced Erika’s voice as she continued, “Yes, I’m fine and no, I’m not lost. Well, I don’t think I’m lost. I’m just trying to decide which pool to visit.”

  He held out his arm in a gentlemanly manner. “Allow me. I’m heading towards Tropicana Pool to meet someone for some drinks.”

  Great, just when she thought she had met a man, who may be perfect to help her scratch her itch; it looked like he was taken. Erika stole a quick look at this left hand, no ring and no discernible tan line, that still didn’t mean he wasn’t meeting a girlfriend for drinks.

  A clearing of a throat had heat flaring in her cheeks again, and she realised that while she’d been checking out his marital status, he was waiting for her answer.

  “Um… sure, great thanks. The Tropicana will be fine.”

  She took his arm and felt a small spark of electricity. She glanced up at him from under her lashes to see if he had felt it too. His expression gave nothing away.

  They walked in silence through the lobby and out towards the pool deck. She could see, even though it was quite late in the afternoon, there were still a lot of people making use of the facilities. All in couples, she noted. Erika’s heart sank. It was going to be a lonely two weeks, unless some cute employee caught her eye.

  “It’s quite crowded,” she commented, trying to keep her handsome stranger close to her for a little while longer.

  “The pool’s heated and shortly it’s happy hour. The lure of free drinks for a couple of hours brings most of the guests out.”

  He knew a lot about the resort; perhaps her earlier assumption was wrong and he did in fact work there. She could see him as lifeguard; he certainly had the body for it.

  “You’re a regular to the resort?” Curiosity demanded she ask the question.

  “You could say that,” he replied cryptically. “Well, here you are, delivered safe and sound. Now you won’t get lost again, will you?” He winked, amusement lighting up the green depths of his eyes.

  Her heart skipped a beat and warmth pooled between her legs. The man should come with a warning. He’d only winked at her; how the hell would she react if he kissed her? She wouldn’t mind if he did.

  She looked up at him from beneath her lashes, hoping to give the impression she was comfortable being the only single woman at the pool. “Yes, I’ll be fine. Why wouldn’t I be? Happy hour is almost upon us.” Her attempt had obviously failed with the way he narrowed his eyes.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you …?”

  “Erika. Thanks again, ahh—?” She gave a nervous little laugh.


  “Well, I’ll be seeing you then, Brandt.”

  There was no easy way to end the conversation so she dumped her bag beside the lounger and stripped off her sarong, lying down on the thin mattress, feigning a casualness she didn’t feel. She kept her eyes firmly closed behind her glasses, not wanting to see the stunning model he was sure to be meeting.

  After a few moments, she opened her eyes. There was no point in convincing herself she didn’t want to know where Brandt had disappeared to. She did. Glancing around, she found where he was. He hadn’t gone far; he was still standing by her chair. It should feel creepy to know he’d been watching her, but it didn’t.

  “Was there something else you wanted, Brandt?”

  He squatted down, reached out and took her hand. “Just this.” Keeping his eyes firmly connected with hers, he slowly raised her hand to his lips where he placed a soft kiss on it, before releasing it. “I’ll be seeing you around, Erika.”

  She had no chance to reply as he stood and strode away. She couldn’t help but admire the fit of his trousers and the way the material moulded his butt. It looked tight and she would love to dig her fingers into the muscle to test her theory.

  Making his way across the pool deck, several women stared after him. Many of the women were with male companions, Erika noted. She looked around at the tables spread around the large pool area, looking for a single woman sitting at one of them. She couldn’t see any. Not to say Brandt wasn’t early for his meeting and his companion was yet to arrive.

  He finally stopped at a table where two couples were seated. He gave each woman a kiss on the cheek and shook the men’s hands. He sat down in the last vacant chair. To Erika, it looked like it was a business meeting as Brandt picked up a folder from the table.

  He turned his head in her direction, as if aware of her scrutiny. Erika was glad she still had her sunglasses covering her eyes. Perhaps he couldn’t tell she was looking at him. But his eyes never left her direction as he caught the passing waiter’s attention. Her eyes widened as she saw Brandt point in her direction and the waiter give a small nod.

  Mortification swept through her. He had to have known she was staring at him.

  Okay, enough wishful thinking. He may be the hottest guy she’d seen for a while, but for all she knew, he could be married and have five kids. Or more than likely the real story would be, he was a cheating bastard, sleeping around on his wife.

  “For you, miss, from Mr Whittaker.”

  Erika stopped her wild musings and took the glass he held out to her. It was frothy, pink and looked like a strawberry milkshake. She hoped to goodness it had some alcohol in it because there was no way she was going to sit at the pool sipping a milkshake.

  “Can you tell me what sort of cocktail this is?” Her words sound prim to her own ears and she cringed inwardly at them.

  “It’s a Hot Pink Handgun, designed to give you the buzz you need,” he finished with a wink.

  Erika took a tentative sip. Flavours burst on her tongue and warmed her throat as it slid down. A hint of lemon and raspberry mixed in with a distinctive brandy flavor. She never would have thought the combination would work, but it worked very well.

  “I could get used to this.”

  The waiter gave another wide smile. “I’m also to give you this.” He held out a folded piece of paper.

  She took the paper but he held onto it for a moment longer.

  “I could be out of line here, considering I’m handing you a note from another man. But I get off in an hour, if you’re interested.”

  Erika ran her gaze over his shirt and saw his name on the gold badge pinned to his shirt. He was definitely being forward, but she had been looking for some fun. “I’ll keep that in mind, Sean. Now the note, if you don’t mind?”

  “I can’t hand it over if I don’t know your name.”

  She laughed. “It’s, Erika.”

  “Here you go, Erika.” He released it, and with another wink, walked away.

  Sean’s flirting gave her hope staff could associate with the resort’s guests. As sexy as Brandt was, she had a feeling getting involved with him, even for a fling, could end up costing her more emotionally, maybe even more than her break up from Rod had. Now Sean, on the other hand, had the look of a guy who wanted a good time not a long time, and she might just take him up on his offer.

  Erika took another sip of her drink. She had almost finished it. If she wasn’t careful, she could get very addicted to Hot Pink Handguns.

  Unable to put it off any longer, she flicked open the note. The scrawl barely legible, she was just able to make out what was written.

  I find my plans have changed and I’m at a loose end tonight. How about we meet up? Where we first met in the foyer at 8pm?

  She had to re-read the note twi
ce. Of all the things to say “my plans have changed and I’m at a loose end” had to be close to the top of things a woman didn’t want to hear. She wanted to be a number one choice, not a back-up plan. Her blood heated and it wasn’t from her drink. She raised her eyes in Brandt’s direction. His companions had left. He was seated by himself, his gaze focussed entirely on her.

  Erika looked at the note again; if only the words said something different. She lifted her head again and looked at Brandt, a slow smile breaking over his face as if he knew she was going to accept his offer. Instead, she screwed the note up and dropped it in the remnants of her drink.

  She was no one’s second choice.

  Not caring for his reaction, she stood, collected her belongings, retied her sarong and, with what she hoped was an elegant stride, left the pool and walked into the depths of the resort.

  Ericka stabbed her finger at the elevator button, wishing the lift would hurry up and arrive. She had no expectations he’d follow her. She didn’t want another meeting with Brandt, no matter how sexy he was. His self-confident attitude was one she didn’t appreciate.

  At last the elevator arrived and she pressed the button for her floor. The doors closed without incident and she leaned back and let out an angry breath.

  Loose end my ass. Well, he could take his loose end and shove it where the sun didn’t shine. Sean had expressed some interest in her, so maybe she’d investigate that future. After all, she was single and vacationing on a beautiful island. She could do anything she wanted.

  Erika gave herself a final once over in the mirror, swivelling her head to get a good view of the back of her dress. She looked hot.

  The teal dress she wore was a lethal weapon. Heading downstairs, her intention to find some action, she had no idea where Sean would be. The most logical place to start would be at the pool where she was earlier. Brand had mentioned happy hour, so she guessed off-duty staff headed there to start their evening off.


  Just thinking his name had her wishing things were different. If she was being truthful with herself, she would prefer to be meeting Brandt. But his damn note grated on her. If he wanted to have dinner with her, then it wouldn’t be because it was ‘convenient’.